Rockwall Community Information
We think you’ll enjoy calling Rockwall, Texas home!Rockwall always has something to do, whether it’s catching a Concert on the Lake, attending an annual event like the Founders Day Festival or fishing on Lake Ray Hubbard! See below for all that Rockwall has to offer!

Recreation & Leisure
Rockwall Has Something For Everyone!Festivals and Fun
The Aspasians host two Arts & Crafts Fairs at Wilkerson-Sanders Stadium near Utley School- one in April and second in September. The Founders Day festival is held each May. And there are many other annual events in the Rockwall area. Check our Calendar of Events for more information.
Historic Downtown Rockwall
Downtown Rockwall sits at the intersection of Hwy. 66 (Rusk St.) and Hwy. 205 (Goliad St.). The area has undergone extensive renovations and revitalization since being named a “Main Street City” in 2009. At the center of the square is the Old Rockwall County Courthouse. Surrounding it are historic buildings filled with shops, restaurants, and offices. It’s an active, thriving place. The Rockwall Farmers Market is located on the square every Saturday fro May- September. It offers local fruits and vegetables, fresh baked breads, natural beef and poultry, farm eggs, seafood and much more, The Aspasians host two Arts and Crafts Fairs on the square – one in April and the second in September and the Founders Day festival is held each May.

Lake Activities
Rockwall sits on the shores of Lake Ray Hubbard, offering a host of lake-oriented activities such as fishing, sailing, boating and water-skiing. The Harbor, right on the lake, is a great place to enjoy beautiful sunsets, concerts and many other events. Fountains, walkways, docks and lots of green spaces offer enjoyment for everyone. Courtesy boat slips allow boaters to dock and take in the activities onshore. If you enjoy skiing or boarding you should be able to find some calm water on either side, depending on which way the wind is blowing, of the I-30 bridge. Cruise the south east side of the lake to view some of the large and magnificent homes lining the shore. Fishing is best at the north end of the lake in any of the many arms where there is plenty of standing timber. Fishing is considered very good, with catfish and hybrid striped bass the most abundant fish in the lake. However, white bass, channel cat, largemouth bass and white crappie continue to be good.

Live Music Capital of North Texas
Rockwall is now celebrated as the Live Music Capital of North Texas, thanks to the number of venues offering live music every week and the many successful bands and recording artists who call the area home. One of the best live music events is “Concerts on the Lake,” free concerts every Thursday from late April through September. Bring blankets or preferably chairs. You can bring your own food and drink (including alcohol). Pets on leashes are ok, too. ARRIVE EARLY! Parking is an issue and lots fill up quickly! Be sure to park in designated areas, because those parking in lots for restaurants and the movie theater will be towed. More information and a schedule is available at the website:
Parks and Recreation
There’s lots to do at Rockwall’s city parks! Harry Myers Park at 815 E. Washington, is the largest park, with 60 acres offering a variety of features including a swimming pool, Community Building, three playgrounds including KidZone, walking trails, two baseball fields, three ponds, an amphitheater, a sprayground, BBQ grills, disc golf course, gazebo, pavilions, natural open space and a skate park. There are more than a dozen neighborhood parks scattered around the community that offer play areas, open space, and trails. Some also have sports fields, picnic areas and other features. The Parks and Recreation Department sponsors or coordinates programs for a variety of kid’s and adult sports including baseball, softball, swim team and track. Senior activities are sponsored by the Rockwall Parks and Recreation Department. Regular activities include exercise classes, pot luck lunches, movie showings and games. Most take place at The Center at Harry Myers Park.
Annual Events
Local events that are scheduled each yearJanuary – March
Daddy-Daughter Dance – Feb
April – June
Easter Egg Hunt – April
Angel League/Kiwanis – Spring
Aspasians Arts & Crafts Fair- Apr
Family Fun Fridays – Apr – June
Founders Day/downtown Rockwall – May
McLendon Chisholm Spring Fest – May
San Jacinto Plaza Music Series – May- June
Casa Cars for Kids Car Show – May
Concerts by the Lake – June
Rockwall Open Golf Tournament – May
Heart of Heath 5K Run/Walk- Apr
Household Hazardous Waste Day – Apr
Outdoor Family Camp Out – Apr
Fishing Derby Harry Myers Park – May
Drive-In Movie Night – June
Rockwall County Fair – June
July – September
Family Fun Fridays- July – September
Rockwall Farmer’s Market – Summer
San Jacinto Plaza Music Series Jul – Sep
Fireworks/July 4th Celebration – Jul
Heath 4th of July Celebration/Popsicles in the Park – Jul
Concerts by the Lake Jul – Aug
Kiwanis Triatholon – Aug
Aspasians Arts & Crafts Fair – Sep
Rubber Duck Regatta – Sep
October – December
Helping Hands Holiday Market – Oct
Rockwall Rib Rub & Run – Oct
Scare on the Square – Oct
Helping Hands Festival of Trees – Nov
La Tee Da/Women’s Event- Nov
Hometown Christmas Celebration- Dec
Annual Christmas Parade- Dec
Heath Hioliday in the Park- Dec
McLendon Chisholm Christmas Tree Lighting – Dec

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Community Involvement
Getting involved by volunteering is one of the fastest ways to become part of the community.There are many organizations that contribute to the quality of life by serving the needs of others.
Below is a listing of some of those groups, as well as the type of volunteers they need.
Boys and Girls Club Rockwall County
Volunteers are needed weekday afternoons for after school programs. Areas include mentoring, football, soccer, baseball, basketball, theater, music, cheerleading/dance, technology, computer and art/crafts. All volunteers must pass a background check.
Helping Hands of Rockwall County
Needs volunteers who help interview applicants for assistance, fill food orders, arrange for utility and shelter payments and make referrals to other agencies. The health center staff is supplemented with volunteers who arrange for patients to get dental services, eye exams and appointments with specialists in Rockwall who provide services at reduced rates or on a pro bono basis. The thrift store is also reliant on volunteers who sort and hang clothing, prepare donations for the sales floor, test small appliances and arrange merchandise displays. Many seasonal volunteers help out at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Meals on Wheels-Senior Services of Rockwall County
Seeks volunteers to pick up and deliver meals when scheduled volunteer drivers can’t make it. The average time commitment is about an hour per week. Delivering is a great way to get to know your way around Rockwall County and a fun way to get your kids involved.
Rockwall County Newcomers and Friends
A social organization fro women of Rockwall County. Two monthly luncheons from Sept – May. Each month features entertaining programs and a great lunch. Also several fun events scattered throughout the year. Reservations a must. E-mail them at
CASA of Rockwall County
Needs a variety of volunteers, from foster parents to court-appointed special advocates.
Kiwanis of Rockwall County
Global Organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. Meetings on Tuesday 12-1pm. For more information:
Is a non-profit spay/neuter shuttle program that provides shuttle pick up service throughout the year at a reduced cost for dogs and cats which also includes vaccinations. You can reach the service at
Rockwall Parks and Recreation
Eagerly seeks volunteers to help with adopting spots in area parks, working on special events, disc golf course maintenance and cleanup.